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Shackles of the Mind – How Anxiety and Fear Impede Our Progress

Today, PĒLL takes a dive into two of our most dreaded emotions (pun intended), anxiety and fear, as well as exploring some options to keep these unwelcome visitors at bay! Anxiety and fear are as ingrained into the human experience as any other emotion. They’re perfectly natural; an evolutionary adaptation that protects us from dangers […]

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Inge: “I got rid of my anxiety and insomnia”

Inge, a professional organizer, shares her PĒLL experience with us and explains how our CBD oils have helped her overcome anxiety and insomnia! “18 months ago, I began experiencing issues around falling asleep and anxiety. Our family doctor offered to prescribe me anxiety medication, but I didn’t like the idea and wanted to research solutions […]

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Liina: stress & anxiety associated with being an entrepreneur

“I have been in business for many years. Recently I had to make big decisions and take risks. Excessive stress caused anxiety and it started to affect sleep quality. Thanks to PĒLL’s 30% Strong full-spectrum CBD oil my evening anxiety disappeared, and the quality of my sleep was restored. The effect of the CBD drops […]

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Caroline: depression, anxiety and insomnia

“My concern was deepening depression, strong long-term anxiety, which in turn was accompanied by insomnia and occasional mild panic attacks, which manifested themselves primarily in temporary breathing difficulties and persistent painful chest pains. Proper stress. I generally use the 30% Strong full-spectrum CBD oil in the evening before going to bed or a few hours […]

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