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Inge: “I got rid of my anxiety and insomnia”

Inge, a professional organizer, shares her PĒLL experience with us and explains how our CBD oils have helped her overcome anxiety and insomnia!

“18 months ago, I began experiencing issues around falling asleep and anxiety. Our family doctor offered to prescribe me anxiety medication, but I didn’t like the idea and wanted to research solutions myself. I started practicing yoga and was recommended CBD oils by one of my instructors. From reading the PĒLL descriptions, it seemed that these products could really help me. Why PĒLL? Because I trusted the person who recommended them. I didn’t even bother to research if there were other providers of similar products.

I have two small children who do not sleep peacefully. I would often wake up several times during the night from hearing their voices. Even if I didn’t have to climb out of bed, I would still find it almost impossible to get back to sleep once I’d woken, due to my heart pounding, my ears ringing, and my brain’s inability to switch off.

I began by trying the 30% Medium Full-spectrum Oil. This helped me to fall asleep at night, but I did find that my brain still turned itself on once more in the middle of the night. I’ve now switched to using the 30% Strong Full-spectrum Oil and sleep soundly the entire night. Even if someone wakes me up, I can quickly fall asleep again. I feel as if I’ve had a good night’s rest even if I only sleep for six hours.

I always keep a bottle of PĒLL safely under my pillow!” – Inge Tiitus #PellPeople

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