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Cannabinoids and dementia – a new perspective for treatment?

Did you know that the neuroprotective properties of CBD promote Alzheimer’s disease treatments? 👉 Science is increasingly identifying links between the neuroprotective properties of cannabinoids and neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. About 55 million people worldwide are estimated to suffer from dementia and this number is increasing every day, along with the aging […]

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Why are CBD oils useful?

Just like cannabinoids, CBD, or cannabidiol, has so far been discovered and proven to have a number of properties that positively affect the human body, the effect of which is manifested according to the individual problem – either the reduction of sleep disorders and anxiety, the disappearance of inflammation and pain, or in the form […]

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The magical plant – HEMP

What is CBD? CBD is an increasingly popular natural alternative for a number of physical and mental health deficiencies. However, there is a lot of confusion surrounding CBD because the compound is attributed to marijuana similar side effects and ability to alter consciousness. In fact, however, CBD is one of a hundred different natural compounds […]

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The ABC of our CBD products

What is CBD isolate? An Isolate, as the name suggests, is one specific isolated substance or molecule. Cannabidiol (CBD) isolate is 99.5% only cannabidiol. The additives obtained during the extraction process have been purified from the plant by post-treatment in the laboratory, and only one active ingredient, or isolate, hereby CBD, remains. There are isolates […]

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by Vjatśelsav Śuvalov, PĒLL’s Head Chemist Introduction The cannabis plant has more than 140 cannabinoid compounds, with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) attracting significant interest. Δ9-THC is the primary psychoactive ingredient, and CBD is a non-intoxicating ingredient. Evidence from preclinical studies suggested that CBD had potential therapeutic benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory to neuroprotective, antipsychotic, analgesic, […]

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Cannabinoids – Myths and Misconceptions

Cannabinoids are some of the world’s most versatile therapeutic compounds, but their use is often surrounded by a host of misconceptions. The name ‘cannabinoids’ can itself be a source of confusion for many. Whilst they may have been first isolated in cannabis plants, cannabinoids and other similar compounds can also be found in black pepper, […]

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What are cannabinoids and the human endocannabinoid system?

Explained by Michelin star chef and our customer Conor Dalton: “First, the active compounds isolated from the hemp plant are called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids in plants are organic substances found not only in hemp, but also in other plants, such as cocoa and black pepper. Cannabinoids can also be produced synthetically in the laboratory, but PĒLL […]

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Work hard, play hard? Think again.

Work hard play hard; Sleep when you’re dead; Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done! Recognize yourself? Or if not.. it means you are not putting enough effort in! WRONG! The hyping of unhealthy productivity causes stress, insomnia, and anxiety which in the long run limits our potentiality in personal life as well […]

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