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Vlad Matsnev: võitlus ADHD-ga

,,ADHD diagnoositi mul juba enam kui kümme aastat tagasi. Selle aja peale olen õppinud ka ADHD positiivseid külgi märkama – näiteks hüperfookust, mille saan enda kasuks tööle panna kasvõi jalgpallistaadionil tööle keskendumiseks. Samuti ei ole paha omada lõputult palju energiat; minu elav iseloom töötab justkui tuumareaktor, mille eest ei saa põgeneda. Siiski on palju asju, […]

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For Ukraine

PĒLL is supporting the people of Ukraine with all its heart and we sincerely hope that you will do the same. We have decided to collect 10% of all PĒLL purchases from 28.02 to support the people of Ukraine and send the necessary items for them. #pellcares #supportukraine 👉 Here are organizations that can be […]

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CBD & Borderline Personality Disorder

“In 2017, I was diagnosed with a mental health illness called Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It is one of the most serious illnesses with high self-harm statistics. This disease is treated with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which is combined with various medications to relieve symptoms. There is no specific medicine for BPD. Unfortunately, the availability of […]

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Vlad Matsnev’s experience: ADHD

“I have been diagnosed with ADHD more than 10 years ago. There are good sides or, well, the ones I know how to use: hyper-focus – when I can dedicate time to my work even on a football stadium. My endless amount of energy helps with this just as much. So basically, this bubbly personality […]

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by Vjatśelsav Śuvalov, PĒLL’s Head Chemist Introduction The cannabis plant has more than 140 cannabinoid compounds, with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) attracting significant interest. Δ9-THC is the primary psychoactive ingredient, and CBD is a non-intoxicating ingredient. Evidence from preclinical studies suggested that CBD had potential therapeutic benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory to neuroprotective, antipsychotic, analgesic, […]

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Cannabinoids – Myths and Misconceptions

Cannabinoids are some of the world’s most versatile therapeutic compounds, but their use is often surrounded by a host of misconceptions. The name ‘cannabinoids’ can itself be a source of confusion for many. Whilst they may have been first isolated in cannabis plants, cannabinoids and other similar compounds can also be found in black pepper, […]

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Müüdimurdja menetleb: Kannabinoidid = kanep? Mitte tingimata.

Kannabinoidid on ühed kõige mitmekülgsematest raviühenditest maailmas, kuid nende kasutamine on ümbritsetud paljude väärarusaamadega. Juba nimetus “kannabinoidid” võib paljudes segadust tekitada. Isegi, kui kannabinoide eraldati algselt tõesti kanepitaimedest, siis võib nii kannabinoide kui muid sarnaseid ühendeid leida ka mustast piprast, porganditest, siilkübarast, rohelisest teest ning kümnetest teistest taimedest. Kakaooad toodavad teatud tüüpi kannabinoide, mida inimkeha […]

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