In a world filled with ever-increasing amounts of interaction, distraction and responsibility, sleep can often seem like an afterthought. It’s easy to focus only on the time we spend awake, and all of us have been guilty now and then of pinching a few hours from our sleeping selves to elongate our days. But what […]
Shackles of the Mind – How Anxiety and Fear Impede Our Progress
Today, PĒLL takes a dive into two of our most dreaded emotions (pun intended), anxiety and fear, as well as exploring some options to keep these unwelcome visitors at bay! Anxiety and fear are as ingrained into the human experience as any other emotion. They’re perfectly natural; an evolutionary adaptation that protects us from dangers […]
Cannabinoids – Your safe and effective support system for maintaining and strengthening mental health
Mental health issues concern each of us! And especially now, in difficult times caused by the current world situation. If you feel stressed, exhausted, or anxious, know that it is completely normal to feel uncomfortable in between and that you have the power to change your state! But in order to do this, you must […]
Marian: “Otsustasin omal käel pärast kolme kuud, et katkestan antidepressantidega ravi.”
Minu lugu sellest, kuidas jõudsin CBD kasutamiseni, sai alguse 2023 kevadel, mil täieliku läbipõlemise tõttu vajas minu füüsiline ja vaimne tervis eraldi käsitlemist nii omal käel kui koostöös professionaalidega. Paralleelselt pikema puhkuse võtmisele ning rutiinsetele enesetunnet toetavatele tegevustele (hea unehügieen, puhas toit, aktiivne liikumine, psühhoteraapia) proovisin läbi teha ka ravikuuri antidepressantidega, et terveneda tekkinud mõõdukast […]
CBG: Your Questions Answered!
Here at PĒLL, we couldn’t be more excited about the potential of phytocannabinoids to change lives. This goes doubly so for our latest offering, CBG! But equally, as with any new avenue of research, the world of cannabinoids can be confusing for those who are not already well versed in the subject matter. It can […]
Breaking Point: The Impact of Stress on Skin, and How LUMI and PĒLL Can Help!
The modern world is a stressful place. The news can be overwhelming, and the frenetic pace of living in an era of endless connectivity can take its toll on us, both mentally and physically. We can sometimes even contribute to our own stress by not giving the body what it needs. If all that wasn’t […]
Susannah Kaul: “olen rahulik, magan kenasti ja pean kohustuse täitmisel järge”
Sellel suvel võttis minuga ühendust PĒLL.-i imevahva tiim ja tutvustas mulle enda tooteid. Olgu siinkohal mainitud, et mul puudus igasugune varasem kogemus ja teadmine CBD-toodetest. Sellest hoolimata tundus PĒLL. missioon väga põnev. Põnev just seetõttu, et enda kogemustest on tagasiside andnud nii heas mõttes “töönarkomaanid”, loomeinimesed kui ka paljud teised eri valdkondadega seotud inimesed, kuid […]
Cannabinoids and Cardiovascular Diseases –
Treatment and Recovery Cannabinoids are one of the hottest areas of medical research right now. As the suspicious attitudes of the twentieth century give way to a more inquisitive modern mindset, we are realising more and more the pivotal role that these complex compounds can and do play in regulating our health. It seems as […]
Migraines, Autoimmunity and Phytocannabinoids
How CBD can help keep those splitting headaches at bay This week, PĒLL takes a look at migraines: their impact and astonishing prevalence in modern society; their potential connection with autoimmunity; and how CBD can be an effective part of migraine treatment plans. Migraines – A Global Problem Anyone who has experienced a migraine knows […]
Fighting Back Against Psoriasis – How CBD Makes Our Bodies Calm Again
Suffering with psoriasis or know someone who is? Have you ever wondered about the science behind this frustrating condition, and more importantly, how to effectively treat it? Fear not – today, PĒLL explores the ins and outs of this all-too-common affliction, and how you can use effective, natural products to keep it at bay! Autoimmunity […]
PELL+LUMI: Stop inflammaging!
Vananedes toimub meie kehas mitmesuguseid füsioloogilisi muutusi, sealhulgas immuunfunktsiooni langus. “Inflammaging” on põletik, mis on defineeritud kui vanusega seotud põletikueelsete markerite taseme tõus veres ja kudedes. Põletik mängib vananemisprotsessis keskset rolli. Põletik peaks olema ajutine reaktsioon stressile. Kui aga põletik püsib, kiirendab suurenenud koormus vananemisprotsessi. Krooniline madala astme põletik on levinum, kui arvata oskaks. Viimastel […]
Anne Vetik: “täna öösel me ei maga”
Olen üks nendest, kes kuuluvad “täna öösel me ei maga” klubisse. Ja see on suhtsitt klubi, kuhu kuuluda, hea meelega poleks selle liige. Igaühel, kes on kunagistabiilselt unetusega kokku puutunud on oma lugu, oma foobiad ja oma unetusemuster. Minu oma algas ligi 12-15 tagasi, siis kui tegin oma firmat ja püüdsin anda endastparimat iga päev. […]