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Merle: a mother of three, sleepless nights, malaise, fatigue and anxiety

“Hi! I’m a mother of three in my thirties, Merle.

I have struggled with several health problems throughout my life (joint problems, hypothyroidism, etc.), but my biggest health problems started last spring when my third child was about 8 months old. My days and often my nights were then mostly spent jumping the baby to sleep in my lap, and often he only slept longer in my lap, because since the onset of gas pains, I couldn’t get him to sleep anywhere else for more than a few dozen minutes in a row. In addition, at night he sometimes woke up every hour… So at one point I just gave up trying and I was like a living pacifier and a bouncy-rocking bed for him… Thinking back now, I understand that it was probably a big mistake that dealt a big blow to my own health and well-being.

Although in retrospect I can no longer accurately sequence my symptoms, I know that at some point I had a strange feeling as if I could no longer breathe well, something tightened the right side of my neck and it was impossible to fall asleep at night. I kept freaking out and couldn’t sleep more than a few hours that night and many nights to come (unfortunately, the following weeks and months as well). In addition, it was accompanied by strong pressure in the head, whistling and ringing in the ears, weakness, a feeling of hanging, low blood pressure, palpitations at times, dryness and pain in the throat, etc… I could no longer understand what was happening to me because I had never experienced anything like this before in my life.

One day, severe migraine-like headaches and flickering before the eyes also appeared for the first time, but this remained a one-time phenomenon. From time to time, pains in the right nape, neck, and behind the shoulder blade also began to occur. Soon I felt as if I was living in a gray bubble – everything seemed to be inside cotton wool – it was very bad all the time, I felt short of breath (in addition, it was as if someone constantly had their hands around my throat) and at one point it became difficult for me even to leave a room going to another one, not to mention that at that time I still had to take care of a child under the age of one on a daily basis. It was a real nightmare!

I went to several specialists during the summer months, from a family doctor, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, and an otolaryngologist, but apart from asthma drugs (which didn’t change anything), stress-relieving nutritional supplements and the recommendation to eat and sleep more and move in the fresh air, I did not get much help. Of course, the neurologist recommended starting to use antidepressants after stopping breastfeeding. Although by autumn there were also days when I felt a little better and from time to time there was hope that maybe this horror would end one day, setbacks occurred just as quickly, for example when I had to hold and lift a smaller child more or when there was a more stressful situation.

I also started physical therapy that summer and in the meantime, I went to two different physical therapists at the same time, and although my posture improved considerably over the months and my muscles became stronger, the problems and symptoms that most interfered with my life still did not go away.

In the fall, I already managed to visit the next pulmonologist and neurologist, as well as an MRI of the brain, and all this, of course, at my own expense, because the family doctor saw no need to refer me anywhere other than a pulmonologist, and pretty soon I gave up bothering him.

During half a year I probably spent thousands of euros on various doctors and examinations and essentially I found myself back to zero in the fall. I would have even grasped at the straw of anti-depressants, even though I didn’t feel depressed and hadn’t lost my appetite for life yet, but my husband was very against it and so I just kind of went on, often with sleepless nights, malaise, fatigue, and anxiety.

Then I got a LUMI newsletter that promoted the first domestic CBD products. Since I had previously received help from LUMI hemp oil and CBD-containing products for children’s skin problems, I ordered these new CBD oils to try without thinking twice. Previously, I had already taken various B-group vitamins, magnesium and some natural stress-relieving preparations, but since no significant improvement had taken place, I decided to try the following – there was nothing to lose.

Based on the product descriptions, I immediately chose the strongest, 30% oils. Since by that time I had also finished breastfeeding a smaller child, I could confidently start testing them.

I remember that the first time I tried CBD oil, all I could tell was that I felt a little bit dizzy, my mood was a little better and my mind was lighter. After the next few uses, there was no noticeable effect, just the mind became calmer little by little. Over time, I noticed that my sleep was also improving. Until now, it was still difficult for me to fall asleep every week and sometimes for several nights in a row – sometimes I fell asleep only in the early morning, but over time my falling asleep became faster, my sleep became deeper, I woke up less and I rested better. My mood also began to improve little by little, I no longer panicked so much about every symptom that appeared, I didn’t think non-stop, what the hell is wrong with me…

I also started seeing a myofunctional therapist in late fall, and when I got rid of major facial and jaw muscle tension, he suggested I find a specialist who would deal specifically with my neck and shoulder girdle tension, even though I had already been getting a general massage weekly before. At the beginning of the new year, I was finally able to see a competent rehabilitation masseuse, who was able to get my neck and right shoulder moving again and reduce the muscle tension in these areas considerably. I also started going to acupuncture, which in my opinion has also improved the quality of life over time and reduced tension.

Unfortunately, I still can’t say that I’m completely cured, because despite the intervening periods of a few weeks where I didn’t have any symptoms, after more stress (mainly after more lifting of the baby, working at the computer) my problems have returned again and the situation has gotten worse. However, CBD oils have greatly improved my situation as they have helped me deal with my health problems and find solutions to them despite not feeling well.

Thanks to CBD oils, I have been able to fall asleep, sleep and rest most of the time, and I am extremely grateful that PĒLL products have supported my nervous system in this sometimes seemingly endless series of health problems.

Despite the fact that I still don’t know exactly what happened to my health and body last spring, I now think that constantly holding the child in a forced position and jumping, poor posture and muscle tension probably caused a stronger nerve irritation in my neck at one point. As the following symptoms of muscle tension and hangover, breathing difficulties, etc, in turn, caused insomnia, fatigue and weakness, anxiety about one’s own health, and general malaise.

Writing this story, I don’t just want to promote and praise PĒLL products – I believe that their effect speaks for itself and in the end, everyone has to try and test what works for them. However, I would like to emphasize that dear women, current and future mothers – take care of your health, avoid constantly forced postures, excessive stress, and lack of sleep if possible, and also find time to take care of your well-being! Because at some point it may already be too late and more damage has already been done…

I intend to continue using PĒLL products myself and hope that one day I will get help for my joint pains and thyroid problems, but at the moment I live one day at a time and I am grateful that PĒLL oils support me on this journey of recovery and healing.” – Merle #pellpeople

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